• 英文的座右铭


    1、行动是通往知识的唯一道路。Action is the only road to knowledge. 2、心灵的痛苦重於肉体的痛苦。The pain of the mind is more important than the pain of the body. 3、幸福的真正名字是满足。Happiness is

    2020-11-17 22:20:25
  • 丘吉尔的座右铭英文


    1、If you are going through hell, keep going。如果你感觉自己在走过地狱。走着别停。 2、Good and great are seldom in the same man。 美德与伟大不能兼得。 3、The price of greatness is responsibility。伟大的代

    2020-11-16 18:27:51
  • 儿童励志格言座右铭中英文

    座右铭是格言,是人生态度的宣言,是认识自己,提醒、激励自己,为人处世的信仰,应践履始终不渝。下面为大家分享儿童励志格言座右铭,希望能帮到大家。 儿童励志格言座右铭中

    2020-05-24 22:51:01
  • 座右铭英文老师


    一、Don't ask for wenda, but feel at ease. 二、promote the spirit of cattle and do ordinary work. 三、倾听童声,学会微笑,善待学生。 四、正人先正已,身教重言教。 五、真情教书,真心育人。 六、

    2019-10-14 19:00:02
  • 学习英文座右铭


    一、Just fall down and get up. 二、Books are the ladder to the realization of ideals. 三、If you believe in letters, you are better off without them. 四、书籍是人类知识的精华。 五、与好书为伴,做优秀学生。

    2019-10-13 10:00:01
  • 英文座右铭友谊


    一、Near zhu is red, near mo is black. 二、相识满天下,知心能几人。 三、友谊是培养人的感情的学校。 四、朋友是亲密的永久伙伴。 五、Friendship should not be cut off rashly, and the crux of rec

    2019-10-12 23:30:01
  • 英文座右铭学习


    一、Reading is the beginning of success. 二、滥用书籍,则学问死矣。 三、with books, happiness is infinite. 四、Read good books every day, read good books every day. 五、Read happily and join in. 六、Books make win

    2019-10-12 12:00:01
  • 英文座右铭小学


    一、To accumulate knowledge is better than to accumulate gold and silver. 二、粮食补身体,书籍丰富智慧。 三、有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。 四、Near zhu is red, near mo is black. 五、If you are afraid of wolve

    2019-10-12 10:00:02
  • 孩子英文座右铭


    一、拼搏奋斗,励志笃行。 二、学是学,玩是玩! 三、严于细节,爱洒心灵。 四、一息若存,希望不灭。 五、挥洒斗志,成就梦想。 六、confidence is half the battle. 七、有志者,事竞成

    2019-10-10 00:15:01
  • 小学英文座右铭


    一、从哪里跌倒,从哪里爬起。 二、学习如逆水行舟,不进则退。 三、If you don't admit defeat, you won't lose. 四、persistence makes Ninjas invincible. 五、路遥知马力,日久见人心。 六、Learning

    2019-10-09 22:30:02
  • 座右铭英文


    一、遇顺境处之淡然,遇逆境处之泰然。 二、一人做事一人当,男子汉应该有的就是责任。 三、读书改变命运,刻苦成就事业,态度决定一切。 四、Sunrise rivers are more red than fire, a

    2019-10-07 19:30:02
  • 谦虚英文座右铭


    一、人上有人,天外有天。 二、水深不响,水响不深。 三、天不言已高,地不言已厚。 四、modesty is the highest self-restraint. 五、怒中少发性,喜中慢发音。 六、Be sensitive and eager to lea

    2019-10-07 17:30:02
  • 老师座右铭英文


    一、For all students, everything for students. 二、爱自我的孩子是人,爱别人的孩子是神。 三、memory a love, explicit a laugh. 四、播种希望,收获明天。 五、老师像园丁,浇花要浇心! 六、教

    2019-10-05 11:30:01
  • 篮球座右铭英文


    一、找高手单调,这会比较有趣。 二、拼搏奋进,永远进步。 三、If you grasp the rebound, you will grasp the whole game. 四、功无不克,战无不胜。 五、Lingyun Stadium is full of fighting spirit. 六、

    2019-10-03 18:00:01
  • 座右铭英文友谊


    一、make friends and be trustworthy. 二、仇恨终将泯灭,友谊万古长青。 三、It is the bridge of friendship, deception is the enemy of friendship. 四、要水灌溉,友谊靠人护爱。 五、Friends are always the fi

    2019-10-02 16:30:02
  • 努力英文座右铭


    一、低头做事,抬头做人。 二、payment is proportional to harvest. 三、坚持到底就是成功。 四、人不冒险,枉为一生。 五、Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles. 六、用有限的青春去拼搏

    2019-10-01 22:30:01
  • 英文座右铭梦想


    一、where there are dreams, hell becomes heaven. 二、奋斗过,就不后悔。 三、children without umbrellas must run hard. 四、only by persistent efforts can we make progress. 五、The way to work hard for your dreams won't f

    2019-09-27 21:30:01
  • 篮球英文座右铭


    一、努力奋斗,勇敢争先。 二、我爱篮球,篮球真神。 三、Strive hard and be brave to take the lead. 四、Flying Fire meteor, I must win. 五、Not afraid of violence, all the way. 六、Basketball spirit, dare

    2019-09-27 10:00:02
  • 知识英文座右铭


    一、Knowledge is boundless and learning is boundless. 二、师傅领进门,学艺在自身。 三、阳光照亮世界,知识照亮人生。 四、Intelligence lies in diligence and genius in accumulation. 五、学识太广反而憨头

    2019-09-23 17:00:02
  • 公平英文座右铭


    一、Life is not fair, you have to adapt to it. 二、公则四通八达,私则一偏而隅。 三、事在是非,公无远近。 四、人平不语,水平不流。 五、心苟至公,人将大同。 六、public principles are a

    2019-09-23 08:30:01